Sushi Lovers Welcome

Sushi Lovers Welcome

Sushi Lovers Welcome from Asahi Sushi In Orange City Florida! Sushi Lovers Welcome! Asahi Sushi offers the goodness of sushi at affordable prices, and fast-casual dining accommodates our fast-paced lifestyles. We offer a COVID-friendly dine-in experience along with...
Fresh Sushi Friendly Staff

Fresh Sushi Friendly Staff

5-star review from Asahi Sushi In Orange City Florida! Fresh Sushi Friendly Staff! “I have been going here since 2006. This little place has amazing food and is a gem for sure. My family loves this place! Fresh Fish and friendly staff.” – Sandra...
Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day from Asahi Sushi In Orange City Florida! Happy Labor Day! Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday of September to honor and recognize the American labor movement. And of course, the works and contributions of...